Yep, back in the 1960's and 70's, rather than build a range of smaller bikes to compete with Honda, Harley marketed Aermacchi's as Harley's, notably the Harley 350 Sprint. Great little bikes, and quite rare, I wouldn't mind one. 
Maybe the sprints are rare in Australia but not here ins the states. There is always at least one for sale locally at any given time. What is rare is a nice clean restored one, they were unloved for so long that most of them were treated like junk, so finding a project bike is easy. Unfortunately, because it says HD on the tank most people with a junk one still want $1000.
5 different engine types on the big twin, over that 60 year span.
5 different engine types on the big twin, over that 60 year span.
6 if you count the new Milwaukee 8 engine (w flathead, panhead, shovel, evo, tc88, Milwaukee

, if you go back to pre WWII you can include the knuckle.
They also had in that same time period 6 completely new engine designs: k-model flathead, XL ironhead, iron and aluminum XR, xr1000 (not the same engine as the xr750 racing engines), v-rod, street 500 and 750.
To put this in perspective Honda produced some variant or evolution of its DOHC 750cc engine from 1979 to 2009 in the nighthawk and rc42 with I think only two evolutionary refreshments. Kawasaki produced its 900/1000 engine from 73 til 2004. Police bikes used the engine right up until they didn't make police bikes anymore. They sold some variant of it to civilians all the way to 1998.
So HD isn't the only one who makes an engine and sells it for a long time, they just have been around longer than anyone's else.