The Amazon rectifier you ask about above will also work - same case style and tabbed connections. It is a 50 amp part at 1000 volts PIV. While it's true that your bike will generate quite a high AC voltage at high RPM, it won't do a thousand volts. No way.
Your bike and most of mine below will see high AC voltage excursions when flipping the headlight on / off or doing the hi /lo beam switch at high RPM. Try to not do that at high rpm. But in either case, either of these two rectifiers will not break a sweat mounted in your bike no matter what you do.
I have a few bikes with Radio Shack part number 276-1185 mounted as a rectifier - still 25 amps but only 50 volts PIV. Yes, we do see short, fast AC voltage excursions of 50 or more volts on our six volt bikes that could blow diodes in the RS part when messing with the headlight at high RPM. So I make it a habit of throttling down when playing with the headlight.
But with either of the two rock crusher rectifiers you are interested in, they will laugh off anything you throw at them other than wrong installations or a dead short somewhere.