First, I want to apologize for the pics. My phone sucks and the light in my garage tends to wash it out. It's nearly impossible to get good pics in there. It looks like I used a potato instead of a camera!
I have received a few comments/PM's about the shock and swing arm angle and length on the Katana/550 project. I agree that it's steeper/longer than I would like, but there's a ton of work getting it centered and clearancing for the chain. Many of the pics showed the bike on the lift/center stand and the swinger drooped. I considered a different swinger; GS1100E, Bandit 1200, etc., but at this point I think it would be easier to work with what I have.
I put the wheels back on the bike and set it down on it's on weight. The jack is just keeping the bike from tipping over, not lifting it at all. The shocks are 14" and set on the medium setting. I *still* feel like we could have laid down the shocks a bit more but, as you can see, the shock and swingarm angle aren't as bad as when it was on the center stand/lift and not rear wheel in.
This is workable. And if it just handles too poorly or annoys me too much, I think it would be easier to go with some 13" shocks and maybe even have the chain adjuster slots machined longer and the end of the swingarm cut off a like amount. That would shorten the wheel base, lower the stance and lessen the swing arm angle. All without having to start from scratch.