It seems I solved the problem I had at Galot. The bike ran well for a 20 plus year old relic that needs attention. First time run it ran a 10.50@122mph. First round eliminations I dialed a 10.50 but redlighted. It ran a 10.498@122.9mph. Came back after the trophy round with the same dial in. I treed my opponent, he apparently spun off the line chasing me so I was able to roll off the throttle for the win, tripping the clocks for a 10.568 ET @ 111.42 mph. 3rd round I drew a slower opponent by over two seconds. Unfortunately I screwed up and rolled a tad too far into the beams. Light came down for me to give chase but I pulled the trigger to soon and red-lighted. I ran a 10.47 @ 123.41 mph on the loosing pass ending my day. Hoping for a better outcome on Sunday. Billy teched in to get show up points but didn't race his bike.