Well, got the carbs put back on the bike this morning and fed them some fuel...yeha.....no overflow tube action.
So I put in the key and flipped the starter button and it fired right up. I gave it some throttle as it warmed up while watching for gas leaks, etc.....sounding good and running smooth. Once it warmed up I let it idle (idle set to high) and did my wet cloth on the header pipes test to see if all the cylinders where firing as before only the right two were. Well.....made progres....now had the right 3 cylinders firing but still nothing from #1....
At this point I was figuring I would have to drop the bowl on #1 and see if I could tweak the floats a bit. But I thought I would check for spark first just in case. So I pulled the plug and found it was wet so I dried it off and tested for spark again sure enough I had spark......I assume at this point that I didn't have the cap seated all the way on the plug so I put the plug back in and made sure the cap was seated. Then I fired it up again and did my wet rag test and wooohooooo all cylinders were firing.
As I let it run I went around back and held my hand up to each exhaust pipe to feel the pressure in each. The left pipe has a significantly stronger exhaust pressure than the right
I then shut off the engine and did my wet rag test one more time. Judging by sound and steam factor #1 cylinder header pipe is quite a bit hotter than the other 3
Anybody have any ideas what might be causing this? Wondering if # 2-4 cylinders are getting less fuel than #1 or more than #1 or ??
Anyway pretty excited that things are moving in the right direction......heading back out to adjust the idle down some.