Well to answer some questions.
I didn't take the truck to the dealer to get the brakes done. I took it to the dealer because at 200k miles I figured something needed to be serviced - valves, U-joint, etc... I needed them to evaluate the condition of the vehicle and suggest. I knew two things going in - that the front caliper was sticking (discovered that when I did the pads, rotors, bearings, and flushed the brakes), and that the fluid in power steering pump was roasted and down and I suspected the pump was leaking.
The blank look they gave me when I asked them to give it a 200k mile service should have tipped me off. They reported the power steering pump was fine, and changed the fluid. They recommended the booster and master cylinder - I agreed, and asked them to do the calipers as well. They also pointed out a leaky valve cover gasket and quoted me (I kid you not) 5,000!!!! to replace both valve cover gaskets.

Yes - $5,000 for valve cover gaskets. I declined.
I expect to pay more at the dealer - why, because off all shops they should be able to restore your vehicle to manufacturer's specs. Does not appear to be the case anymore. The cost is incidental to me - getting it done properly is all I'm interested in. I can no longer count on them to do that, and it's not just the dealer I see that from. Even if this was a case of air in the ABS module, dirty fluid, etc - well that's why he's got the ASE certification right??
Maybe this can be chalked up to overwork - too many clients and not enough time, I see this all the time at work as well. Either way - I'm not paying someone 120 bucks an hour to do inferior work. Pumping out the septic tank - well I'll just pay someone to do that, I have to draw the line somewhere.