Author Topic: Anyone need some 2 stroke oil?  (Read 769 times)

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Anyone need some 2 stroke oil?
« on: September 01, 2017, 08:11:11 PM »
on the Sabre I had a fuel leak problem from the petcock.  Couldn't get the dang petcock to seal, so for now I have a shut-off valve between it and the carb intake.  I have a fuel shut-off for my fuel shut-off ::)  In a hurry I need to locate a petcock that will work with that bike.

Anyway - I knew I had fuel in the crankcase, so I let the bike sit until I could drain the oil.

Holy Shnikies!  I wasn't prepared for that.  About 3 gallons of 50/50 mix fuel/oil gushed out of the drain hole, another pint from the oil filter.

For now I have the crankcase let exposed to the air, the oil drain pan open to the air (trying to let the gas evaporate).

I have fresh oil ready - but I'm wondering if I need to do some additional work before starting the bike up again.  I did NOT run the bike while it was flooded - I couldn't even get the engine to turn over, but gas is a pretty good solvent.  I wonder how many seals, bone dry bearing surfaces are present.
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Offline MoMo

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Re: Anyone need some 2 stroke oil?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2017, 08:17:15 PM »
When that happens to me I add  new oil and filter, run the bike for a bit then change the oil again. Far as I know never had a problem.  Good luck...Larry

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Re: Anyone need some 2 stroke oil?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2017, 09:01:26 PM »
Wow - I was expecting some drama, not "eh, you'll be fine."

I guess sometimes it isn't as bad as you'd think it would be.  Assuming of course  didn't bend a connecting rod or trash my rings.
2018 HD Softail Heritage
1979 CB750K Limited Edition
1977 CB550K
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Offline jgger

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Re: Anyone need some 2 stroke oil?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2017, 10:46:30 PM »
If you are concerned about the rings, then pull the plugs and put a little marvel mystery oil or even just a tad of motor oil and let it sit and leak down. Turn it over with the kick starter with fresh oil in it, then fire it up. Start it then shut it off after about 5 seconds to let the fresh oil "soak in" then fire it up again and let it warm up before you rev it at all.

To your advantage it wasn't run with the gas in the crankcase so it is unlikely that it migrated into the oil'll be fine.
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