on the Sabre I had a fuel leak problem from the petcock. Couldn't get the dang petcock to seal, so for now I have a shut-off valve between it and the carb intake. I have a fuel shut-off for my fuel shut-off

In a hurry I need to locate a petcock that will work with that bike.
Anyway - I knew I had fuel in the crankcase, so I let the bike sit until I could drain the oil.
Holy Shnikies! I wasn't prepared for that. About 3 gallons of 50/50 mix fuel/oil gushed out of the drain hole, another pint from the oil filter.
For now I have the crankcase let exposed to the air, the oil drain pan open to the air (trying to let the gas evaporate).
I have fresh oil ready - but I'm wondering if I need to do some additional work before starting the bike up again. I did NOT run the bike while it was flooded - I couldn't even get the engine to turn over, but gas is a pretty good solvent. I wonder how many seals, bone dry bearing surfaces are present.