Google "harley death wobble" and you'll see how talented those cops are when dealing with inferior machinery.
I have had more "death wobbles" on a SOHC cb750 than I have had on every piece of HD machinery I have ever ridden and I ride an Ironhead sportster with knobbies on it:
IMG_7238You think the Japanese are "immune" from death wobble? the VTX1300 certainly suffered from it, 1200 goldwings suffered from it, the early suzuki GSXR's suffered from it so bad that the resultant lawsuits actually fundamentally changed products liability law. I'm pretty sure BMW touted it as a "feature" of the airheads and it's "rubber cow" nature.
If you want to #$%* about something related to HD, it's that they are overpriced. A 2017 Honda Fury is $10,299, I don't think a softtail slim is $500 worth of better motorcycle.