It's off! I beat that cover like a redheaded step child from all angles and velocities until she started to make a different sound. An empty, sad, pitiful sound. Then it slid right off. Wait until I post the pics! You going to love 'em. Let me just say I'm glad I didn't find the furry creature who had made a home in my motorcycle. This bike is horrible!!
And I love it.
Removed the swingarm as well. Dismantling is much more fun than scraping rust. Once I get going it's hard to stop. Then I have to remind myself to take pictures, take notes and label everything. As soon as I start to think I can remember where stuff goes I know I'm in trouble. I've got baby food jars with bolts, screws and parts of all shapes sizes and colors. I think I'll be replacing a hell of a lot of the screws and bolts with SS. Every time I go to to break a new bolt free I hold my breath. I've only got one catastrophe on my hands, and that's the oil filter bolt. It was shot when I got it and I need a set of BIG pliers to get it on and off. That might be a good investment when I've got some $.
I'll post pics of the sprockets and chain too. The chain is in ok shape a lot of the rollers are nice and loose then theres a couple that are pretty stiff. I'm soaking them in oil at the moment to see if I can save it just for the testing phases. Then when I'm confident in the bike, I'll get a new chain and sprockets. The sprockets I have are in really good shape actually besides being discolored. The bike only has 6k on it. Pics of all the advancements to come shortly. Have a good weekend everyone.
OH one more thing. Thanks to Doug and his generosity I've got a decent pair of shocks to replace those AWFUL things that are on the bike at the moment. That was a huge help! You've got to see the comparison.