Like a lot of others, iv'e been chasing a rich condition under certain throttle conditions, now narrowed down
to about 1/3 throttle. After many different attempts to eliminate the symptoms, incl. moving the needles
down a notch, the problem is mostly eliminated, but at the expense of terrible cold starts and warm up.
After all this I started looking for obvious visual abnormalities and found........
This carb rack was dis assembled and cleaned for smooth operation A LONG time ago, but not many miles, and its possible the hanger assys. were mistakenly re assembled in a mixed fashion. I'll try to get pics, just
wondered if the lifters would fit and still work in opposite side carbs, causing the throttle sliders to lift
in a way that might affect proper needle operation. The ball socket joints look like there is enough clearance
designed into them where they would fit and work. IIRC, I had them dissembled far enough to have possibly made this error. Top levers may be installed on incorrect lifters or needle plates installed 180 degrees out.
Will post a pic of errors if I've made any.