There's theory and there's practice. It's difficult for other bikes than my own to determine what is best, so I can't give advice in detail. I therefore attached an article translated by me (don't shoot me if there's an error) that deals with all aspects of ethanolgas more or less. The article compares the behaviour of several gasolines, explains phase separation that can happen under certain conditions, informs you on the possible effects on O-rings and tries to make an estimation of the possible difference in mileage. It even has some words about classics like ours. I selected this article because it's frank, open, balanced and unbiased. You can determine for yourself what applies to you and your specific bike because you are the one that knows how often you ride, under what conditions and where and how long your bike will be parked, etc.
An advice in general concerning mowers. If it is feasable to mow electric, do it! In my teens I used to do the mowing and I remember with horror the awful smell of that horrible thing that couldn't be escaped. I hate to think how much lead and other poisonous chemicals I have inhaled in those years.