Whoa! Talk about impressive rides! Fastest thing I've got is a simple 80' CB750K. It runs quite well
but, of course , nothing like the others that have been brought up. Since I'm not much for the "Sport
Bike Types", I'd probably lean more towards the Kaw 900 that Daniel posted. Now don't run me out
on a rail but, I've kinda always had a liking for the Big (at the time) 900 Kawasaki Z-1. I took one for a
spin shortly after they came out (a fellow Army Reservist bought one and let me check it out) and was
quite impressed with the power of that big four. Seems like they just keep building them faster all the

The older I get, the more my body is built for "Comfort" and not Speed. Not that I don't like
to get out and play around now and then.

Later on, Bill