Took the head of my 550 off and was inspecting the cam sprocket. It went like this; good tooth, good tooth, good tooth, really worn tooth, good tooth, really worn, good, good..... and so on. What makes the uneven wear of the sprocket? As far as I can tell the chain looks great.
Is the drive sprocket on the crank shaft made out of the same stuff or is it a little stronger/harder?
So, in doing a freshen up of the top end, I was thinking about a hotter cam. In changing the cam, the rockers have to be treated, new sprocket, and a new chain.
How strong is the bottom end? Would I have to have new bearings? Rods? Pins? Pistons?
I really don't know much about these engines. Any help my way would greatly be appreciated. Anybody like me can buy parts (when they have the money) but the bigger picture questions I struggle with. Ones like; How much wear is too much wear? If you replace this part, what other parts depend on it and need replaced? etc..etc..
I know, lots of questions, so let's just start with this, What causes uneven wear of the cam sprocket? Is it a bigger issue causing it?