Another point, the CB550 is going to be more dangerous extending the shock length because it turns in very nicely in stock form, much more readily than the cb750 will. As a result the bike will be pushed past this very nicely mannered well handling bike into one that falls into turns possible at a quite abrupt and dangerous way and can result in an accident. If your springs are not supporting the rider weight well/the rider weight is higher than average then your sag and/or ride height may be lower than a typical rider and it may move the bike back into settings more in line with the stock bike with a light to average rider...keeping the bike from " showing its teeth." Preload may compensate some to adjust the ride height and sag but springs without sufficent strength for the rider weight or worn and requiring replacement are going to result in poor handling.
It is oft said the cheap Emgo shocks that used to sell around the $80-100 range are radically oversprung, that is...their spring weight is too high for just about every rider, as a result they are very harsh and the suspension and therefore the tires do not work well resulting in ride handling issues. No clue what they sell for today...just know to advise others to avoid them. Whether or not they would work if resprung, don't know, it would be throwing more money at a bad product hoping to make an ok product. That math does not compute anyway you try to calculate it.
In that case, it would be better you save money to replace them and be careful until they are replaced that they do not cause you to wreck if you were to find yourself pushing the bike hard and you hit a pothole or debris with the rebound being so hard it upsets the traction at a time where you are near the limit of the tire's traction and need every bit of that traction.
My $0.02, or is that more of a $0.05 or $0.10 worth?