Author Topic: Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap  (Read 4467 times)

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Offline 750goes

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Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap
« on: December 27, 2006, 11:18:37 PM »
If you have noticed how loose your Sidecovers are

Ever wondered how to get them firmer, and make sure they are not lost on the highway somewhere?

Very simple solution - go to your local Clark Rubber Store (this is an Aussie tip - so please substitute your own generic store), Home Depot, whatever and buy 3 feet of flat rubber sheet about 4 inches wide -and about 1/8 inch thick (2-3mm) you will find many uses for it..

Per sidecover cut off two (2) x 4 inch wide by 1/2 inch sections.... place one each of the strips in each top locating hole and fold half of it so it loops around the grommet and the frame mount - just a half soft loop place your sidecover into its position and press firmly... nice and tight now....

no need for the bottom locating pin, but you could do one for that as well if required....

Offline Steve F

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Re: Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 06:43:23 AM »
Don't make 'em too tight!  Breaking off tabs while trying to take the covers off is bad (really bad...ask me how I know....)  I use the stock Honda grommets, and use a little silicone grease on the tab.  I also have my side covers tethered to the bike with some 1/16" aircraft cable.  This also deters the side cover bandits while at bike gatherings and such.  ;)

Offline 750goes

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Re: Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 12:18:59 PM »

the main concern was for them falling off and being a firmer fit - the strips of rubber have good grip and slowly and easily let the sidecover slide out of the grommets...take your point though, but I don't think I will tether mine to the bike - just to come back and see the results of an attempt to borrow them and find three or four pieces still tethered in sections to the bike...

Offline dpen

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Re: Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006, 02:25:41 AM »
Another option is what I did to the "Rat"

Get some rubber grommets from the local hardware store (from memory about 1 inch diameter)

Soak them in hot water and when you push them into the holes in the frame they magically assume an oblong shape and look like standard.

Total cost $0.50 aussie

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Retaining Sidecovers - simple and cheap
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 10:59:34 AM »
Man, I simply bought new ones from Honda. Soft and grippy, no trouble with my sidecovers until now. Anyway, I err on the safe side everytime I have to remove one. Instead of pulling from the sidecover, I pus the tabs with a flat screwdriver one by one, from the back. No way to break a sidecover this way.
