If you can afford it, don't even buy them as they are crap shocks. Actually, not crap, but REALLY CRAP. Their performance for damping, rebound, and spring weight all sucks. And if you do use limiters as was suggested, they'll suck even more. Sorry, but its true.
You're much better off spending some money (I know, its tight with EVERYONE) on a decent set of shocks one time and leave crappy suspension products on the web. Hagons or Ikons at a minimum. Nils (Noblehops of Restocycle is a member here) will hook you up with a quality shock, set up for you, at a manageable length to help your predicament with the clearance. Give him a holler-
Progressive shocks are the old SW shocks from the 1970's. In fact most of progressive suspension's part numbers still carry the old SW part number. I think the company was sold sometime around the early 1980s and renamed. The thing is, the design stopped evolving and over the years progressive kept outsourcing the parts and setting them up in "most popular" configurations instead of what actually worked. It's almost better to buy the shock without a spring and then figure out what spring works best than it is to buy one fully assembled and then have to change out the springs, esp since a lot of them come with that weird dual spring setup now.
They are better than worn out 30-50year old stockers but that's about all I can say about them. I do have a pair of older magnums from when the company first switched over that I freshened up not long ago and they are actually pretty nice - much better than the ones I bought 10 years ago new.
The problem I have with progressives is that there is a lot of inventory floating out there at the moment. Meaning a lot of those shocks have been sitting in their boxes for years. When a shock sits air leaks in and degrades performance. Most people don't know to do this but you are supposed to "prime" shocks before use - which means remove the spring and pump the shock all the way through it's travel about 20 times. This will 1) push out all the air and 2) tell you if the internals are wasted or not. If after 20 pumps you still feel "surging" in the shaft's movement, the shock itself is garbage and needs to be replaces (or refilled with heavier oil).