Now I have a question about one of my bikes. The VIN plate states a build date of 7/70, number 1044665. Hondachopper shows it as a K1, but SOHC4 a K0! What gives??
I'm not a choppa guy, but a lot of you guys refer to them for some info.
According to Haycock you have a K1, just barely.
In his book it says K1 from frame #1044650, Engine # E1044806
Released 9/21/70
The Duckworth book gives the same date with no numbers.
HOWEVER, according to the Wyatt book you have a K0.
This is because the two authors differ in their definition of a K0.
And this is probably why internet sources differ.
Personally I would go with the Haycock numbers.
I think there's a bit of supposition in the Wyatt book.
I would think you'd have to tally the "K0" features vs. the "K1" features on your bike and decide for yourself.
I would also like to add that I'm super pissed they reprinted the Wyatt book as I paid a fair bit for my original copy.
Before you buy bikes - buy books.