An impact driver is a must for those phillips head screws...!! IMHO. 
I second that! I bought one at Northern Tool last week. Without it, there is no way I could have been able to remove the side cover (to get to the primary gear) as easily as I did.
I want to pop for a nice compressor and air tools, but the wifee says no. (and since she controls the bulk of the bookkeeping chores, there ain't no peaceful way around that!)
Speaking of wifee, getting her on board with my project (figuratively speaking) was a major chore. She even begrudged the $75 I popped for the CB500 on Craigslist! All my motorcycle riding buddies even agreed that this was a no brainer purchase!
Yet after some emotional moments (on her part) she has come around. And today she drops the most unexpected bomb of all. She says to me that she would like to ride on the back sometime! Go figure.
It can get even better, Greg. Mine also said she just wanted to ride on the back (she grew up doing that, though). I suggested my wife take the MSF riding course. Just to see. Well, now she's got her Shadow 600 parked in the garage, she's obsessed about riding (yes, I've created a monster said Dr. Frankenstein), and she gives me little hassle about buying tools and parts (within budgetary limits at any time). When she's just bought chrome accessories for her ride, what's she going to say to me about buying a few tools or a part off of Ebay?

Besides, she figures she can use the tools on her ride (that does SCARE me). When I'm in the garage she comes out to watch. I can't get her to take care of her truck; but she checks oil, tire pressures, etc. on her Honda!
Go ahead, give it a try. "Honey, since I enjoy riding so much, I though maybe you should take the rider's course and see how you like it..." Just watch out when she's spending more on accessories than you do! My wife's bike cost as much as my three!