I think everyone is against police brutality, and their is some messed up things that have happened like shooting unarmed men in the back. That is never right.
Yeah, there was a guy that got blown away for walking out of a convenience store with headphones on. Couldn't hear anything over his music and had no idea a PISSED OFF COP was following him.
Alot of the shootings can be avoided by following the directions of the police officers.
...the rule is you must comply or die!
Educating people on how to act right around police will do more to prevent shootings than anything else IMO. You can protest 24/7 if you act in an unpredictable manner around police there is a good chance you gonna get shot.
Chewy, I respect you, but I'm gonna rebut you. HARD. You may not like what I'm gonna say.
Police Directives; understandable in several situations. However, there is a strong neurological reaction that happens in human brains when someone is actively shouting at them. This reaction creates problems as the more animal part of our mind takes over and rationality makes an exit. To complicate this situation. There are mental disorders that can turbo charge said reaction. Specifically autism - which effects more people in more subtle ways than people realize. There are also a huge population of people with hearing deficits. I personally am a data point in both those pools.
My position is; pointing a gun and shouting unintelligble orders at people is ineffective. Badge or no badge, you're not likely to get the reaction you are expecting.
As for that rule.
Wrong, so wrong. Fictionally Mythical in how wrong it is. There are constitutional lawyers pulling their hair out over this.
Police are the first point of contact for a criminal justice system. A system which set standards such as "innocent until proven guilty" "burden of proof/preponderance of evidence" "due process" and "right to appeal".
None of these laws can hold any salt when police assume power of Judge Jury and Executioner.
As far as educating people on how to act around police. You've got a good idea. But perpetuating the idea of "comply or die" is not the way to go about it. I certainly won't be telling my future children that.
Innocent until proven guilty is the thing. People usually know if they've committed a crime or not. It would seem perfectly logical for an innocent person to "resist" being arrested. Especially since we live in a world where an Arrest Record is equally reflected on background checks just as much as a courtroom conviction. There are other arrestable offenses which carry life-long penalties even if never convicted.
So the game is already rigged. And it's a$$-fcuking backwards (pardon moi francais)
When dealing with a cop; particularly one that wants to cuff you. You need to be smart.
In a world of unmarked cars and plainclothed officers (hello shoreline biker!) civilians have every right to say "who are you and who do you work for?" - though usually a good cop will introduce themselves at the beginning.
Don't consent to a damn thing. If they start asking uncomfortable or incriminating questions you are not obligated to answer. "Am I being detained" is a good phrase to practice.
Refuse to do anything without a lawyer/advocate immediately present; this one will piss off a cop - but it has literally kept me from being jailed for mental health crisis. I SH!T YOU NOT.
You also have every right to view the evidence. If there is none, reassert your innocence and inform the officer of your right to leave, post haste.
The key is to remember that you are presumably innocent and assert that throughout any interaction with law enforcement.
I guarantee you this. If a cop ever has his crosshairs on me. My last words will be "you pull that trigger and you'll be killing your career" - wait for that to go viral.