A firearm is an inanimate object, nothing more. They sit about, minding their own business until someone picks them up and chooses to operate them. Why blame the tool? If that is your logic, then;
We should ban all alcohol because people drink and drive and kill people.
We should ban all alcohol because people become addicted to it and suffer medically.
We should limit all privately owned vehicles to the State speed limits, not an MPH more since speed contributes to environmental issues, and property damage, and personal injury and crime.
We should require a background check for anyone wishing to purchase or make or sell a knife.
We should require a background check for anyone wishing to purchase a hammer.
We should require a background check, personality test, and financial review for anyone wishing to become a parent (Lord knows, there are too many rotten ones out there and perhaps a regulatory commission might wean them out).
We should suspend the (or at least amend) the 4th amendment to allow the police to perform at-will, no discretion or justification search and seizure upon persons they think might be a danger to society.
You want to sign up for these things? Certainly any reasonable person can see the merit in these new regulations thinning the herd of violent acts. And perhaps the 1st amendment needs to be tweaked to prohibit uncomfortable, politically incorrect speech (written, spoken, or frosted on a cake) so that it does not provoke violence. And let’s tear down all monuments, flags, historical references, and rename all buildings, currency, stamps, streets, schools, and libraries that reference someone who did anything unpopular in their life.
There’s your slippery slope...
Yes, I'm ranting and whining and grapevining.
Not sure how I am spreading rumors (grapevining) but a gun is designed to kill first and foremost. This is the kind of knee-jerk ridiculous argumentation that prevents any possible rational discussion of the issue. It's going to lead to a slippery slope and complete authoritarian dictatorship in the US! No -- we are talking only about firearms, let's keep the discussion there.
Looking at isolated terrorist attacks -- a different kind of problem -- in Spain, England, France or any other country isn't the same as looking at mass shootings in those countries. But since you brought them up, what are the incidents and death tolls and frequency of mass shootings in those countries, since that is what we are supposed to be talking about?
Nobody is saying the guy in Las Vegas used an automatic weapon. He used a device to make a semi-automatic weapon fire similarly to an automatic weapon.
Remind me again, since you've read the Second Amendment, what well regulated militias did these guys belong to?