Sorry, another worthless ad blocking banner site. F'em. Their priorities are clear. Income over inform. Superfluous eye massage selling unsupported opinion, I suspect.
Makes little difference to me, I'm a mopar fan.
Brand loyalty has absolutely NO rewards to the consumer. Just helps fill a seller's wallet.
You just elect yourself into a "tribe" or "clan" for self satisfaction? What actual value is that?
Read the fine print - the manufacturer always has the right to change the product (not necessarily the product label) in any way they see fit. Trusting the brand is trusting in nothing tangible.
Since the 50's a Pontiac fan. Guess the reward in that? Even the seller had no loyalty to its own product.
Ready to by a new Plymouth?
Didn't have an issue viewing the article with a smartphone.
Does your smart phones have an ad blocking app? No?
So, you paid them to provide their opinion to you. You had no other choice, whether you agree with the opinion or not. Even better, you became their unpaid agent to propagate and expand their revenue income without so much as a thank you.
That's what "social" means to big business these days. Paying to share opinions. What a great business model, as everyone can "manufacture" an endless supply in a matter of seconds. And, someone else can make money off of each one, regardless of their actual worth.
Do you take issue to ad revenue in general? Cause i got bad news for you.
Pretty much true. And, you yield a portion of your lifetime for their ad revenue benefit. Sound like slavery? CEO Homer says while drooling, "mmmm slavery".
Further, you pay for both good and bad news, these days. It's a leech style revenue stream which all "smartphones" have built in.
And the masses happily pay for a completely nonessential "service" bundled along with their "perceived needs" as hidden charges.
Yet another example of the majority not always being "correct", only popular, and people jumping on that bandwagon. It's capitalism exploiting the masses in harmonious cooperation.
Careful what you ask for...