Shim is on. unfortunately I can't test it. now having to deal with the broken speedo.
Originally I used a set of nonmatching speedo/tach 2.5" and 2" combo because I like the asymmetry of it. now that the speedo is broken, I decided on using matching speedo/tach's, however the tapped holes don't work anymore. to make them centered I would have to re-drill and re-tap them. but unfortunately they're slightly off set from current holes.
I've tried drilling different holes on the mounting backet to avoid the current holes, but the bracket is harden steel, haven't been able to find a way to drill a 6-8 mm hole into the damn thing. tried everything. cobalt, titanium coated, carbide tipped bits. any suggestions?
The other option i'm working on is to see if I could patch up the hole with JB weld and re-drill and tap. I figure this would hold since it's not really a structure element on the bike. at least 80% of the new tap would be on fresh metal while 20% of the wall would be within the JB welded area. anybody has experience with this?