I can only help you with what I know from the parts lists: The CB500(K0), CB500K1 and CB500K2(A) all have the same pipes: 51410-323-010. But the CB500K2(ED, F, G) marketed in 1976 in Europe differed from the CB500K2(A) that was marketed in 1973 in the US. And I am 100% sure that that CB500K2(ED, F, G) is in the comparison in the Italian site and guess what... the pipes of that particular CB500K2(ED, F, G) '76 had a different partnumber: 51410-374-003. I'm sorry, it's so complicated and I don't even know what the difference is. As far as the 500, note that some models had a damper rod and others didn't. I guess as long as both legs are the same, you'll be fine.