I know that this has been discussed and it's fairly common knowledge that a GL1000 front end will bolt up directly to a CB750, but I wasn't able to find any pictures to that effect here on the forum. So, here are some photos.

The bike is a CB750 K1 (build date 8/70), the trees are from a '75 GL1000, the fork legs are '75-'77 GL1000 pieces and were a freebie from Noel here on the forum...thanks dude!
I installed a set of All Balls tapered bearings at the same time as the swap, and it went without a hitch. Note: Make sure to save some of the balls and the stock lower bearing pieces for measurement when fitting the new bearings or you'll be digging through the trash looking for them with your ass in the air (don't ask me how I know this

). The rubber seal on the lower bearing was particularly impressive; it snaps into the lower race and fits very tightly up into the bottom of the steering head when it's all assembled. Another note: when removing the stock races from the steering head, wedge a rag or something similar up into the steering head alongside the punch/drift to hold it in place. I held it in my fist while rearing back with a hammer like Jimmy Connors returning a serve at Wimbledon...amazingly, my thumb's not broken. However, children wept and birds took flight as a result of the cussing that followed.

The steering stems appear to be identical on the CB750 and GL1000. In the side by side pics, the left stem is the CB750 and the right one is the GL1000. The top view pic really shows the difference in fork leg spacing and diameter. One thought...is it just me or does it look as though the GL1000 trees have signifigantly less trail than the CB750 pieces? I assume that the GL1000 would have more rake to offset this, being a touring bike and all, and I know that the CB750 is already known for having short trail numbers as stock. I'm wondering if I should be shopping for a steering damper before I even put it on the road.
The only small issue is that with the wider front end and different steering stops on the GL1000 combined with my '76 CB750F tank, the fork tubes are hitting the tank. Adding a little meat to the steering stops should fix that just fine. I have no idea if they would hit a stock K tank since the bike didn't come with one.