I thought it was all about electricity, and the specialized stuff does not use as much? Hope you make out good on it.
You’re on the right track. The holy grail of mining tech is the most processing speed, with the least power consumption. This applies to ASIC and GPU miners.
The most powerful ASIC units are usually 1600 watt appliances. The Avalon 741 in my vlog (if you saw it before the forum reboot) runs around 1200 watts. The future avalon 821 will also run at 1200 watts. Process at 11terahash, and likely retail in excess of $2750 without a PSU. The $10,000 Baikal Giant miner would outperform any and all asics in the quest for HashPower2Wattage ratios. But cows can’t afford that!
Whereas, a GPU card mining
not bitcoin will draw a measly 120-175watts - and if you can get a good deal on the component. Starts around $300 per card. With just enough combined oomph to keep the profitability up.
Which brings up another milestone in the BomberMann Bitcoin Journey.
Spent the bitcoin on newegg. Bought a pair of gtx1060’s for starter rig. A hard drive, and a ram chip I’ll have to exchange cause i needed ddr3 and not ddr4. Whoops.
Shopping on newegg with bitcoin was cool and simple. Since i have the bitcoin-qt wallet on my laptop. When I wanted to pay, i selected bitcoin. I got an email with a link from newegg to their bitpay merchant setup. I clicked “open in wallet”. The qt app took over. I chose my transaction fee (which was ~$55 for 20 minute wait time - wasn’t about to risk messing this order up.)
Bitpay updated the invoice to paid and said THANKS!.
20 minutes later I got a second confirmation. Should have the gpu’s in a few days!
I should note that paying with bitcoin on newegg is not available for every item they list. It has to be an item direct from newegg and not their open market merchants.