Author Topic: Super Eliminator 2018  (Read 1123 times)

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Super Eliminator 2018
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:28:37 pm »
For anyone interested in the super eliminator class in 2018, below is an update from a post on the super eliminator Facebook page. As you can see, there will only be 2 races contested with the Man Cup series. There are races in other locations under consideration so if any are near you, I'm certain the group would welcome an SOHC bike with open arms.

Super Eliminator Drag Racing

December 3 at 11:24am ยท

There is a lot happening right now as we move forward with our plans for the 2018 Super Eliminator Series and it is a very exciting time.

Many of you know that Larry Smith is retiring from the S/E-Michigan races and that Bill Baxter and Butch Million are stepping away from the primary duties of S/E-ManCup. All three have graciously offered support, advice and guidance as we transition the committee and put our plans in place for the upcoming season.

It is our #1 goal to make every S/E event as strong as ever and expand the bike count appropriately and where ever possible. We will be targeting 4 National races for 2018.

We've already secured SE in ManCup at:
 Dragway 42 W Salem, OH - July 13-15 and
 SGMP World Finals Cecil, GA - Nov 15-18

S/E-ManCup will continue to be a "Run It Out the Back Door" Records series focusing on that philosophy and S/E Michigan (Name to be changed soon) will continue to be run as a bracket race where national records can be established and going forward the records from these two sanctions will be combined.

We are currently working with a new group to participate at the 2nd Annual Vintage Nationals - Quaker City Salem, OH - August 24-26

And lastly, we plan to secure our spot at AmSnow for September and are already working very hard to strengthen the class and bike count for this event. More information will be posted here in the next few days as we confirm some details.

Please encourage each other to check here for more information as things develop.