You and I have similar backs Don. I'm getting sick of all of the pain pills that I'm currently taking, so tomorrow I'm having a consultation with a doctor to see if I can be prescribed medical cannabis. Not the good kind that you can smoke, but regardless, I've heard good stories about it, from a couple of army veterans with similar injuries, and from a female army friend who got her dad on to medicinal cannabis when he was dying from cancer, apparently it was the only thing that he could take without being sick, and even though he was anti-weed, he thought it was a really good pain medicine. I'm not sure whether the army will kick me out if I'm taking it, it is legal here in Victoria, but the army does what they feel like, so I guess we'll see.
I fired up my Z1-B when I came home after work, the combination of the Dyna 2000 ignition and Mikuni RS34's is almost like EFI in that I pull the choke, hit the button and it immediately fires up, as soon as it does I push the choke in, and it happily idles at 1500 RPM. I'm going to install the new (ridiculously expensive) RK 630 chain tomorrow if the weather is still nice, and hopefully I'll take it over to Ace Motorcycles on Saturday morning to get the Roadworthy certificate, finally. I rode it around the block (too many cops around for a decent, illegal ride) and looked at the odometer, with all of my rides since I put it together, I've done a grand total of 50 Km. (30 miles) The crappy Ebay chain that I originally bought for it already needs adjustment, so I'm glad I ponied up the pesos for the RK.