On public roads, it’s often 170% of the speed limit and a danger to everyone else around you. Who among us deserves the right to endanger others so wantonly? Want to risk your life, fine by me. Risk mine, and I’ll put you in the ditch personally as a Public Service.
Defend myself from some wreckless moron? Count on it. If forced between the choice of crashing my vehicle into someone/something because of the wreckless behavior of another, or smashing into that person and causing their death, it’s a clear choice. You’re going into the dirt. And I won’t have a second thought about it even if you are on a motorcycle. 2 wheels doesn’t get you any special privileges, only greater responsibility to avoid becoming a tar patch
Nobody has mentioned risking your life, or anyone else's except the individual choosing to go for a ride. Note that OP does not live in backwards VA where speed limits are 55 MPH. I'm guessing you haven't been too far west of the Mississippi where there are wide open divided highways that stretch for a very long way between cities or much of anything at all. Regardless, speed limits in OP's area are 65-70 MPH, 85th percentile speeds (safer than the speed limit!) are slightly higher. As far as my understanding the discussion is about riding at what is likely only marginally over the 85th percentile speed for a given highway, wide open spaces with no traffic, clear visibility, etc. I think most here would agree that's a reasonable assumption. I don't think you even flipped your lid like this, much less started threatening lives when Wildey posted that video doing 100 MPH through a NYC school zone in second gear on his 350f.
It sounds like calj is the rolling roadblock doing the underposted speed limit in the passing lane while everyone else is traveling near the 85th percentile speed, but he then speeds up to match pace with an 18 wheeler or other big truck undertaking him because he won't maintain lane discipline and others are trying to get around him too... The type to selectively violate the law in an attempt at vigilante justice to stick it to people who are maintaining proper lane discipline and spacing while simply trying to get where they're going safely an efficiently.
Calj, if that's you, you are the hazard on the road. Maybe some introspection is appropriate. Or perhaps you can continue the hilarity by sharing whatever wild scenario you've envisioned with all this talk of quick blasts to 100 MPH and back on deserted highways, or simply cruising along at the 85th percentile while maintaining proper lane discipline. I feel like you're having a totally different conversation than the rest of us.