the one thing no-one seems to mention in these "which brakes are best" posts is its all dependent on the tyres you're using.
a great super sticky tyre will partly compensate for #$%* brakes whereas a crap tyre will make the best brakes in the world absolutely pointless. all the "feel" in the world doesn't count if the tyre isn't gripping the road
on a personal note, I have to agree with terry on the stock CB m/c is rubbish, also got to say the calipers were sh!t as well, anything that is designed to wear the pads out diagonally is a bad design in the first place.
i'm lucky to have found a good set of CB900 forks so I can use a real caliper (Braking Supermotard model 4 piston) and i'm hoping to use a Magura Racing M/C (if I can rebuild its seized little arse) and I anticipate it will work and feel far superior to anything Soichiro slapped on in the first place.
on my last CB I changed to a CX650 rear caliper on an ensmallened grooved disc and that was still better than stock.
as for best compound for road use I always use SBS HS compound (H for high friction S for sintered), I've used them on stock CB calipers and whilst they weren't going to be great they were better than any other compound/brands and I use them on the Vmax which has full hayabusa 6 pot calipers and M/C on R1 discs and it'll almost do stoppies (not quite but we are talking about 400kg combined weight here)
I just had a thought, Terry, did you ever buy a load of CB750 stuff from a particularly handsome chap in Northcote maybe 11 or 12 years ago? whole bike with spare engine, wheels, forks etc? I have a vague memory of selling the stuff to a largish gentleman who said he was in the army and lived somewhere in the outer northish area of melbourne or something to that effect. whoever it was had a white station wagon from memory, probably not you but its a small world