I would troubleshoot this via process of elimination. Before we start, let's go ahead and disconnect your headlight bulb. This will eliminate that from the equation so that we can test the other systems. We can reconnect it afterwards.
1- First, check the connections from the starter switch into the headlight bucket. Make sure they have good connection with no loose or cruddy solder joints. You can use electrical contact cleaner on these too. Yellow/Red is your voltage side when the button is pressed BTW.
2- Check the connection inside of the headlight bucket. Validate that you have voltage on the Yellow/Red wire there when pressed.
3- Validate that there is voltage at the Yellow/Red wire at the solenoid when the button is pressed.
4- Validate that the Green/Red wire has a solid ground at the terminal of the solenoid
5- Check your ground connection from the battery to the frame. (This is really important)
What did you find? Are you using a test light or a volt meter? ..or both? The solenoid is pretty simple. It is basically just a relay that uses small current to switch bigger current, per se.
Do the above steps, does the starter solenoid function? Hear it click? Voltage reading at battery side of terminal when button is pressed? Voltage reading at starter side of terminal when button is pressed? Good?
Now, did the starter spin?