Just do not go chasing more and more power from these motors unless you are willing and able to open your wallet wide to spend 3K or more on doing things right and doing a proper rebuild. Heck, 3K might not cover the headwork and engine boring much less the gaskets, seals, bearings, paint, and other things that go into just a motor rebuild.
Better to be satisfied with what it can do. Enhance the suspension with a cartridge emulator and new fork springs from the folks at RaceTech. Put a good set of Hagons or Ikons or more expensive and good shocks on the bike. Put a good set of tires on the bike. Do the 3k tune up and change your oil regularly. Take an Advanced riders course or two... Maybe consider a track school to learn how to corner properly and efficient use of braking and proper braking techniques. You do not want to use racing maneuvers like pushing into a corner a very high speed on public roads. You may not have the visibility on the track and it is not a safe place to be doing this. You never know if some kid, or bicyclist, or car or truck is going to be around a corner and if you are coming blazing into a corner where you can't see the road ahead you might hurt someone or hurt yourself. Stuff on the roadway, be it leaves, or gravel, etc. can really ruin your day/week/year.
Have fun with the bike and learn to enjoy it for what it is...take a ride in un-populated areas so you can ride slower and look around. That's my unsolicited $0.05
So many great guys with far more knowledge than me have weighed in and given you good advice to follow.