posted this on the dodge ram forum. thought why not post here.
2007 dodge ram 1500 hemi 5.7 4x4 w/545RFE trans.
been having a bucking/rough shifting/miss feel for about a year. NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT. it gets worse and i try one fix then it gets better for a while then gets worse and i try another fix. it's better then worse again. on a 10 mile trip it might do it 10 times. usually happens when i'm feathering the pedal just cruising along 45-65. did notice from 1st to 2nd gear this morning it had sort of a delayed shift once.
never slips. just a buck.
so far i've replaced the crank sensor, plugs (one of which was loose, far back one i may have forgotten to torque down on last change), throttle body taken off and cleaned, map sensor cleaned or replaced can't remember, trans service with filters.
these were all done after the truck began to act up. after the work it ran fine. months later it would act up again and i would try the next thing (as listed above) then it would be fine for months or i'd barely notice a little miss feeling once in months of driving.
spoke to a mechanic who said so you performed a trans service and it fixed the problem for a while then it came back? yes. so he said take it to a place that can completely suck the fluid out and replace. did that earlier this evening. bucked once on the way home.
any help appreciated. what's throwing me is there's no CEL. no codes to go by. which makes me think it's not a sensor.