Impossible to tune? I agree with you, possible and needed when looking for more power that need more air. The airbox has really small air ducts.
Nice video and good looking bike!
The needles are way too lean! Stock has middle position. Your bike need 4:th from top. So it is not strange you have a flat area. Risk your engine is running lean when cruising around
Mine with 836, cam Action Fours ss-1, ported head with 34mm inlet valves , 4-1 and pods like yours.
It ran really well and a perfect tourer. My std K6 carbs easier to jet than my Mikuni VM29 Smoothbores.
It gave really nice power around 6000 rpm where it woke up with a nice roar making it impossible to not ride beyond the speed recommendation signs

Needles 1 step richer, 4:th step from top.
Pilots std 40
Mains were really rich on mine. I should start with 130 and continue up until it will not wake up when releasing the throttle a little at full speed on 5:th gear.
Spark plugs NGK D8EA
I have never had any kind of issues due to pods on my CB750.
It looked as this back then (now as my avatar)
1:st 2009 when I brought it back home from a long sleep in a barn
2:nd direct after it got the 836 package and complete restore/updates.
(I did not care about the ugly GS850 front blinkers and headlight ears that could have been better.
CB750 could not look like stock in the end of 70's and early 80's when I started to adjust mine. Early 80's white seat was wow. Left the seat to a shop making interiors for cars, boats etc. This was needed since it had holes after some minor crashes.)