I had plans to paint my tank and side covers. I searched around on this forum as well as other forums, paint forums included. A mini spray gun should probably be OK for a tank and side covers.
The expression HVLP is not always that High Volume Low Pressure. The compressor must have a tank that can deliver a good stable flow and compressor itself not running too hard causing fish eyes in paint due to water drops.
I bought 2 cheap Bergen Gravity FEED HVLP Mini SPRAY GUN. One with 0.8mm nozzle, the other with 1.0mm
The more expensive Devilbiss SRI would be better for a smaller compressor since it is specified to work with relatively low flow.
https://www.spraygunsdirect.co.uk/index.php/devilbiss-sri-pro-lite.html#sthash.DIcXx6CC.dpbsI saw all needs (good ventilated place, no dust nor insects) I ordered a new tank with side covers from Yamiya.
Spray candy need some skills and luck to get it right at first try. The paint is not cheap.
I have a small compressor, my 2 mini guns and 2 tanks that need to be fixed. One of them is my K6 original tank I painted with professional gears for over 30 years ago. Free 2k primer and 2k red paint, only Sikkens 2k clear on my account. Today no access to a real spray booth with water fall behind, huge fans and oven.
I'll might spray them... my CB750 need a real K2 style tank. Now an OK looking K4 freedom green metallic tank to be used.
I can put a plastic tent inside my garage....