Last night I dove into my sidecovers.
As the bits I got were mostly from a '77 CB400F and I'm aiming for a '76 parakeed yellow bike, I went ahead and decided to change my Antares red covers to black.
The right one had a very long crack and was missing some plastic too, so I filled that in with 24hr epoxy backed with some application-specific epoxy mesh (*ahem* drywall screen tape). I tried every trick in the book to remove the decal. Heat we the most effective, but it would only remove the decal and not the glue behind it. I ended up block-sanding it away with 80 grit, followed by 200, then 320.
The LH cover was in good shape and only needed the decal removed. I found something odd while sanding it away: under the candy red and metallic silver paint was a coat of varnish blue. I mean, I know car manufacturers sometimes re-shoot parts a different colour, but what I find odd is that, not only did these colours not coexist, they never even overlapped! There was a full model year between them...
Anyway, now both covers are coated with a grainy layer of primer and I'm mostly pleased with the result. I have to do some slight correction on the rounded edge above the filled-in hole on the RH cover (and respray some primer there), and after that, I'm going to... - wait for it - Paint it Black.