I'm with ekpent, use a feeler gauge. You really can't 'check' valve clearance without one. .002" is a very small measurement, and you can't check that by 'feel'. Your cam chain has to be set ATDC, I believe about 14 degrees... you turn the crank past the 1-4T line, making sure that it is on the COMPRESSION stroke on the #1 cylinder, i.e. both valve rockers are loose... hence, checking the valve clearance first, setting it to your .002 or .003 intake clearance. The exhaust clearance is .003 or .004 btw. I am going to set mine to the looser setting of .003" intake and .004" exhaust, as I want to make sure it has adequate clearance as I am not sure if it has a performance cam yet. Hope you get it sorted, check for intake leaks on the #1 manifold also.