Getting the rear wheel (750K4) prepped to be relaced to a 17" was just wondering if it was worth buffing the hub, sprocket carrier, drum brake or just cleaning it with brake clean and calling it a day? I noticed a lot of people cleaning up their hubs and go through various wet standing stages then buffering with tripoli/rouge polish. So some questions before I start throwing elbow grease into it
1. is there a protective layer on the hubs? assuming sanding/polishing will remove that
2. if yes, what would the maintenance be like going forward? not going to be a daily but definitely a weekend rider (already have a daily)
3. any other options to clean up consistent upkeep?
In addition, I got custom spokes made for the new 17" from 18". Just did a quick measurement before I try to reassemble everything and the new spokes are 1 5/8" longer? but the rim is only 1" smaller diameter wise which ultimately be 1/2" on each side, should I be concerned? or just try to lace the new wheel up anyways?