Quick update....after a little soak, we were able to free up and remove the jugs...
Out of the two engines I have, this bottom end looks better, the other had surface rust on a couple of the rods.
So I have 8 pistons and two cylinders to work with. I'm really hoping to do a precision hone and re-ring. I do have a new piston kit on the shelf, but rather not use it on this budget build, boring would be $200 alone.
The valve guides on the head are borderline good, hoping not to have to replace them. Have no history on these motors other than I bought em in a parts lot from a guy in New Mexico about 4-5 years ago.
So, I am now in machine shop Hell. Dropped these off last Thurs, called him today and nothing's been done yet....C'mon Man!!!
He said they will get blasted tomorrow and then he will inspect and let me know what is needed.
Sometimes I think the machinist is a prima donna - doesnt want to get his hands dirty handling some greasy engine parts! [hope he doesnt read this!]