Hi All:
This is a duplicate from what i put on my website, but I figured you guys might want to have a look....

First, WTF is this thing? It threads through the neck and has the ability to be tightened. If it isn't important, I'd like to get rid of it.

Chopped the gauge mounts off. I'm only going to run a tach, so I'll use the old handlebar mounts for the tack bracket.

I sanded it with the air sander, then finished the shape with the file. Then, my buddy polished it up.

Here he is polishing one of the forks. I'll finish the fork he started and polish the other one this week (hopefully).

This is where the neck lock went. I chopped it off and hand filed the profile.

Moulded the seat. It's a long story what happed and best read on my website.

Another pic of it curing. The mould was for a CB360 and is a bit too short. I'll mould the front section this week. Then, I'll bond the front section and the rear section to a sheet of 6160-T6 and cover the slightly padded area with suede or alcatera. It won't be as light as I wanted, but it will do.

I also bought these headlight brackets for $50. I got the polished type.
Comments and concerns always welcome.
--Thanks, Chris