I managed to get the motor in last night and came to a few realizations. First, the scrambler highpipes and rearsets mean that the inside of the leg will likely be in constant contact with the pipe. This is too bad because I really like they way the look. I'm going to wrap the pipes individually, then wrap them together. Hopefully, this makes them bareable. Worse case is that I buy 5 stainless bends and a 2-1 merge collector and fab up my own exhaust that goes under the bike...
Second, I got tired of waiting for my Tarozzi reasets to arrive, so I decided to make my own. This in itself is a huge challenge because the kicker wants to touch the brake pedal on the down stroke. I think I'm going to have to fabricate a new kicker pedal that bends out of the way of the rearset. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
For you guys running rearsets, do they fold?
--Thanks, Chris