flow bench results are in...
didnt have metal mesh, so used some mosquito net that has 0.13mm strands
for the sport, also tried a layer of 1/2" gas tank foam.
so then:
bellmouth free - 80 CFM @ 28" H2O
one layer of mosquito net - 78 CFM
two layers mosquito net- 77 CFM
tank foam - 76 CFM
Simon is almost right, very little impact, just -2.5% for the mesh, honestly was expecting lot worse for the net and better for the foam, turned out the other way around. air flow surprises you indeed.
the metal mesh could of course make things worse if strand diameter/mesh density is higher
Regarding foam, with more area for filtering like in the nice stacks of mirko and brent, loss would be way lower for the foam.