A friend has the bike with 10,000 miles on it. They bought it used about six years ago and it sat for four years as it never ran well. The carbs have been through carb cleaner by the friend and I've been trying to help him get it to run better. It won't run except by the choke below 3,000 RPM. The idle passages and jets seem open by blowing through them. I have the carbs on my bench and they are stamped '50A RC7' They are unlike any in the Clymer manual as they have manual slides (non-CV) but have air shutoff diaphrams. The only thing I've found is the small o-ring on the air shutoff cover to carb body is missing on the #1 carb. I haven't disassembeld the block to check the rest of the carbs.
If the choke is off the bike instantly dies below 3,000 RPM. It dosen't seem to hit on any cylinders. Timing is OK per my timing light and the engine sounds normal. My history is with the mid-60s bikes when I worked my way through college on Hondas, Nortons, & BMWs so air cutoff valves and other emissions ilk are new to me.
Does anyone have any ideas, or am I on the right track. I have heard rumours of something else being the issue, but no clue as to what.
I've searched all the '650' threads and havn't found anything similar to this.
John C