nothing worse than eye damage!ive had embedded stuff dug out of my eye as a kid,whoa!the doctor drips some numbing drops in your eye then says hold still as he approaches with a blank syringe needle,then ya get a pillow taped to ya head and a few days off school trying to watch tv with your eye streaming!then when the patch comes off ya cant stand sunlight for two days,i take care these days and always always always wear decent safety eyewear grinding and such,i have a few pairs always handy around and hooked over bench grinders not just for myself but for mates etc who might just for a second grind some little thing?even just for one small grind or wire wheel use always wear glasses!i copped a little piece of carbon from the exhaust of a two stroke lawn mower as I was de-coking it with a screw driver as kid,not even with a machine tool!