Hey there Sandcast back!! I'm excited today. Getting to work on the sandcast for the first time in....ummmm...nearly a year or so....here's the scoop. I was in college when I bought the bike and had no idea what it was. (paid $400 at pawn shop non-running) So I joined this forum and was educated!!!! BTW thank you all for your kind help. Well I got the ole girl running great and it was my daily driver for round about 3 months or so. Well I had a near death experience on the thing and decided that the steering bearing needed to be swapped. No problem except for the fact that I had no lifting device.... At the same time I failed out of college, Found a job, got married, sold my old jeep, bought a truck (major distraction), and then bought a house. Welp as you can imagine I had no time or money for the bike. It stayed in a friends garage for a few months until we had a falling out. Then it was moved to my brother's closed-in workshop where it sits today. (who had also dropped out, got married, and bought a house by this time). Well the time for decision making had finally come. My brother wanted it out. So, I could fix it up and ride it (not in budget) or I could sell it. SOOOO now it is on ebay..... I'm glad to be back though and hope to get another CB 750 someday until then, I'll be 4-wheel bound. Now I'm off to re-work some carbs for the next lucky owner.. BTW the link for my bike on Ebay is in the for sale section under bikes incase you haven't found it yet. GLAD TO BE BACK!!!