So I just put my motor back in my bike after doing some cleaning up of the internals and trying to fix a few oils leaks. I only dissassembled it down to the removal of the jugs, but no case splitting junk. Well When I got everything plugged up and connected, I could barely get her running. I thought it was just a cold engine start-up being so challenging because of an untuned carb, and a cold cold garage. Well I finally got her running but it doesn't sound right, I notice that the exhaust puffs out of cyl 1 is cold, cyl 3 is spitting fire every now and then out of the exhaust, and there was air flowing out of my cyl 4 carb that appeared to be exhaust (including a stream of fuel from the carbeuration process in reverse flow. kinda cool)
Well anyways I checked compression, cyl 1 & $ never moved the needle, while cyl 2 & 3 barely moved the needle up to 60-90 psi, but always returned to zero after each pulse (not building up the pressure on the gauge). I figured I had timed my cam wrong when I assembled the top end. So I started the tedious process of pulling the motor out again. Once I got it out I pulled the valve cover off and the cam timing marks lined up correctly at the right setting of the crank position. Though my notch was on the bottom instead of the top. (I did my research and knew this doesn't really make any difference, it just switches the strokes between 1 & 4 and vice versa for 2 & 3. which still works cause the bike has a waste spark). I corrected flipped the cam to be right, flipped my cam chain sprocket cause I had assembled it with the wrong face in contact with the cam's cam chain sprocket support portion. I readjusted the valve lash while I was in there. (tight then undo a quarter rotation) I put it back together, threw it back in the bike, started connecting her back up.
Well when I was about to put the carb on my helper thought we should check compression. Well we got out the compression checker. I climbed on the bike and started kicking her. (still had some electrical to set up before I could use my starter again) I immediately noticed that there was very very little resistance, I could have spun her over by just standing on the kicker. He said no compression. We then checked all 4 cylinders and yep, none of them had compression. We thought about this for a while and couldn't think of what could be going on. We opened up one of the valve lash access ports and noted that valves were opening and closing when the kicker was spinning the engine over, so the valve action is happening. We also poured a touch of thick oil in the chamber and rechecked compression to see if it might be rings that were not sealing, and there still was no compression readings. I then got so confused by this failure after pulling the motor for the situation to be worse, that I called it a night and we drank some good rum. So my question is what do y'all think this issue could be caused by? I've been pulling hair out wracking my brain over this issue.