Author Topic: In search of an O-ring for carb (77 550F)  (Read 601 times)

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Offline GardenGnome

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In search of an O-ring for carb (77 550F)
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:09:20 PM »
I'm looking for info on o-ring size. The o-ring I'm in need of are the ones that connect the four carbs to each other via a T with a fuel line. I have searched on Cmsnl but all they give for info is that they sell them in a kit, I'm only needing the Orings. Thanks for helping.
If I've learned anything about building a motorcycle, it's check and re-check your work before you put it all back together. Although you do gain more experience by doing it twice.

Offline Flyin900

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Re: In search of an O-ring for carb (77 550F)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2018, 10:17:38 PM »
Go to forum the double overhead cam site. You may have to join to access the forums, yet it is free to join.
Under the DOHC for sale section there is a member there who is a carb rebuilder ( sgrier ) or Sean Grier who sells complete O ring kits for under $5.00 shipped for a set of O rings. There are enough O rings in the kit to do the fuel rails on your carb set and are a perfect fit and gas resistant.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2018, 02:05:37 PM by Flyin900 »
Common sense.....isn't so common!

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