$100 to do a headlight with relays top notch is not "deep pockets". If the extra $40 will make or break you, you could get it done under $60 with an excellent reflector, cheap bulb and no relays and just do the relays when you can afford a few bucks for those, then upgrade the bulb after the relays. This is a cheap and easy upgrade to bring lighting on par or better than all but the latest projector headlights. To be clear, there are no deep pockets involved. If you can afford a motorcycle, gas, insurance, and the time to waste on crappy lighting, you can afford a few bucks to do it safe and properly.
You are without a doubt blinding people with glare and light shining up into their eyes. You don't notice or care, but you should. If you run with the headlight on in the day you are still at risk of causing someone to cross the double yellow and hit you because you blinded them, or hit someone else, or run off the road, or not see some other hazard... The risk will be greater at night. It is extremely selfish and inconsiderate to run junky lighting like that. For $7 you can get a sealed beam, please do. Matter of fact I have one that works fine that I'm going to toss. I'll pay the shipping if you'll actually use it and I might have some wiring or other bits I could throw in. If I had spare relays laying around I'd make you a plug and play relay harness. I can dig through my electrical bin tonight just in case.