The book method works fine, if the parts used are up to original specs. If they aren't, then there is something broken and in need of repair/adjustment. Developing a band aid adjustment to avoid doing the proper repair, it's just a deferral tactic to assuage the human condition, and part of the shade tree mechanics credo. Sometimes the hubris of the home mechanic amazes me.
I mean really, the thought of an uneducated untrained person citing a part issue work-around being a better option than what a team of highly trained and experienced engineers cross checking each other... The odds of that are pretty slim, imo
More likely it is the lack of understanding toward the true issue, that breeds these band aid "solutions". Ever work with a prima donna?
Overlook the advance return spring tension?
Overlook wear on the advance flyweight stops?
Sure, just check it after the advance is "all in". It will run "well enough". Go have a beer...
The shade tree mech only "fixes" one example of someone else's design. The factory engineers "fixed" thousands to where they all worked the same in harmony.
Who do you really think got closer to "perfection"?
Carry on...
I'm thinking you have to be somewhat joking in your second paragraph, it would be funny an "uneducated and untrained" person that might discover a solution to a "work around fix," but it does happen, not only that, being the untrained and uneducated will find things because he wasn't brainwashed as an expert engineer in training and then unable to see anything but what they learned at the pro level, back in the day either in factory racing, mechanics or distributors, it all was in one direction-for honda. these bikes and you know it, or should, are a living organism project under constant change, fuel is one example, materials in today's industry are different if available any more, oils are different, laws, highways, tracks and course speed conditions (sadly safety regs have turned ruthless plain racing for fun into pretty much candy ass (speed limits in pits?? if it's gas pits stand back, it's part of the race, putting speed limits on them, the next thing you know it'll all be limited when you give it away,) gotta grow with it, and that's capability, and if that can be done, the most uneducated untrained can take a stab at it and nail it. i listen to every one's ideas and fixes, only i have a hard time when it echoes of car salesmanships, even if there is 10 of them tight nitted fixed on particular subjects such as carb rebuilds & sync, and ignitions etc. some of those things wear out and w/out any out of spec measurements. I'm not gonna get another set of cases because it's worn. I have worked with prima donnas all the time, i'd be one only i dont' like telling anyone what to do. so that leaves me being my own prima donna in my own little world, I don't know why i lean away from factory trained, maybe it was in the height of production days of these bikes i had quite a bit of experience in competition with the full factory trained riders and teams and i gotta give them credit because of their consistency, they always got solid 2nd. i'm sure they were cross checking every angle, while we were snappin' bong hits like they were going out of style. that's probably it. all we had over them was ambition with a vision, and a lot of wingin it. it worked and always has. sometimes "works well enough" even slim to no chance...wins world championships, and the only one that could argue that point is usually 2nd place 3rd, 4th etc. that's gotta be why.