First, since your initial statement -- that Musk does not make any money with Tesla -- only concerns Musk, then look to Tesla's IPO
You can turn and twist this anyway you want. My statement said clearly that Musk does not make any money with Tesla.
Right now, present tense. And he doesn't! Period.
You get the prize for being Captain Obvious about Tesla's 3rd Quarter report. You really got me there!
You have trouble conceding that he made millions off the IPO (which he almost assuredly invests and makes additional earnings on), and you also fail to recognize that he earns a salary or draw in his position. Ask yourself, if you are employed, if you make any money from your company when the company is not profitable. His compensation is one of the costs that factors into the company's bottom line. He does not work for free. Unless you are an indentured servant/slave, you probably do. I got news for you. Even executives at failing companies make money with them. So, sorry, but I'm still right.
Your mindset seems to omit that businesses (especially on the scale of something like Tesla, that requires massive investment and infrastructure), are not immediately profitable. The company is one of the fastest growing enterprises in the world because it reinvests and plans for the future. Building massive battery factories and tooling up new production lines costs money. Really? This is not a failing business with contracting revenue streams and decreased investment, employment and growth.