I have question regarding valve height after valve job. I'm currently rebuilding 1971 cb750 engine which came to me partially disassembled. PO started to rebuild top end but decided to abandon project years ago. I bought all his parts and decided to completly rebuild engine due to poor storage (I found nails in uncovered crankcase
). Some surface rust can be found in cylinders and valve seats - but looked like some porting was done to the head before. I left the head for serdi job and cylinders to be honed and measured. Valves and springs were labeled. Machine shop performed valve job and assembled valves/ springs telling me it's ready to install. I didn't expected any problems so I installed pistons, cylinders, head. Next towers and cam. Everything went smoothly to the point when I installed rocker arms and started to set valve clearances. There is almost zero clearance on intake valves even with adjusters backed off completely. Basicly valve stems are touching rocker arms on intake side no matter on crank position. I was able to install all intake rocker arms and shafts with not much effort but there is almost zero clearance between stems and rocker arms. I started looking why this is happening and measured spring height. Looks like all intake valves are 1mm higher then exhaust side. They grind all tops of the valve stems a little ( just to flatten them)but looks like serdi dropped intake valves significantly and they did not take this in account. I'm now considering my options:
1. Try to grind valve stems around 1mm to bring them to the same hight as exhaust stems (possible without removing head??)
2. If ^^^^ doable, do I need to install any shims to adjust spring pressure or leave it alone. I assume now they are 1mm less compressed so provide less pressure on valve seat.
3. Grind only underside on back of the rocker arms to provide more clearance for adjusters and leave stems untouched. This for sure leave me with different than stock times of intake valves openings and closings but is there a way to tell how badly it will change characteristics of the engine?
This will be stock motor and I'm not shooting for top power. Hoping just for good, stock, rideable motor.
TIA for any input from more expirienced engine rebuilders
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